Bill Clinton said of Mother Theresa “It’s tough to argue with someone who has lived so well”
I guess what Bill Clinton was referring to that Mother Theresa modelled Godly character in the place she was called to be in – whether speaking to world leaders or those society would reject. Her character shone through and spoke more eloquently than her words ever could.
Here's the video we watched together as part of the talk:
Yes I'm the Mechanic from This Is Our City on Vimeo.
What does to minister love and grace mean – I guess it could be seen a snappy soundbite that goes with the other Ms in the series
Yet each one of us is called to minister – in the places we find ourselves throughout the week as scattered church. Often we think that we minister in church – it’s a rather churchy word – he’s gone into the ministry – it makes it feel a bit like it’s something ordained folk do– but I would propose that each of us as part of our Christian discipleship is called to minister.
This Sunday at 10:30 we have begun a series looking at how we can live our whole lives as disciples of Jesus.
We thought about how when we gather as church, we should look to equip each other to live lives that reflect God’s lives when we are scattered as church. This short video explores this idea and why it matters.