We have several groups that meet during the week and they are open to all:
Monday Fellowship meet on 2nd and 4th Mondays each month at 11am in St Andrews Church - Meet for coffee, bible study and friendship
Meet up, Catch up, Drink up! every Monday afternoon at 2:30pm in the Link at St Peter and Paul Church - Time for a social catch up and chat
Ladybirds Group (ladies) meet every 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 2.30pm in the Link at St Peter and Paul Church - Meet for a social afternoon, usually with a speaker.
Men’s breakfast meet every 2nd Saturday each month at 8am in the Link at St Peter and Paul Church - Meet for breakfast and a speaker
Prayer walks – Meet on a regular basis for a prayer walk around the parish
Parish Prayers - Monthly at St Peter & St Paul - check the church diary.
Link groups - Various times and venues - meet for Bible study
If you are interested in finding out more about these activities please have a chat to Chris, Emma, or the church wardens.