In Old Felixstowe Parish we believe that giving time and finance is an act of worship. Our giving to the work of the church comes as part of our response to a generous God. In the gospels Jesus mentions money more than he does prayer – so our response to what Jesus has done asks questions of how we use our money as well as our time. Offering ourselves and our money enables us to fulfil our mission in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Why give financially on a regular basis?
This provides a steady predictable income to the church. Many have found this way of giving surprisingly easy to manage - standing orders are completely in your control, and with online banking it is particularly simple to set up.
You can set up a standing order with your bank using these details:
Account Name: The Parish of Old Felixstowe PCC
Account Number: 70379344
Sort Code: 209807
Reference:(your name)
If you are a UK taxpayer, please email us at with your full name, address and post code, to confirm that you are happy for us to claim Gift Aid (25% of the value of your giving extra from the government at no extra cost to you) on your donations.
Occasional giving online
We use the Sum Up software recommended by the diocese to manage on-line giving.
Other Ways of Giving
It is still possible to give when in church, either in cash, cheque or via contactless payment.
Cheques can be made payable to Parish of Old Felixstowe PCC
Bank transfer using the bank details above.