Over the last month a small group of us have been exploring the course “How to lead an unsuccessful life.” Its been a great opportunity so far to pause and reflect on those things that influence how we feel about ourselves, how we relate to others and our relationship with God.

The input for one of the weeks has got me thinking about theme of influence – what influences me and what I seek to influence and how does this fit in with my call to be a follower of Jesus?

I wonder what influences me, what in my life has an impact on how I act and behave. Smart phones are designed to influence how we behave, the buzzes and updates call out for our attention, getting us to look at the next thing. Advertising seeks to influence how I spend my money, politicians seek to influence how I vote and at times it can seem our culture seeks to influence me to fit in and conform. People are paid vast amounts of money to influence how we behave.

Yet as followers of Jesus we are called to be influenced by Jesus and how he sees the world. In his letter to the church in Rome Paul encourages us to be transformed by discerning the will of God.

 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

What does it look like to allow ourselves to be influenced by God’s grace and love I wonder?

I thank God for the fellowship and encouragement to be influenced by Jesus I receive as we gather throughout the week for worship and fellowship. I’d encourage you to get involved and be a part of a group of people who seek to follow Jesus.

If I allow myself to be shaped and influenced by knowing God’s love for me, it should impact how I relate to others. My desire is for those I meet to come to know the outrageous grace and love of God for themselves, and perhaps the best way I can do that is to authentically live out my life in the light of knowing that love. To live as one influenced by Jesus above all things.
